Ranks are primarily based upon one's building technique, with the exception of [Takumi] and ["Blue" Takumi]. Ranks will appear next to a player's name in lobbies and when chatting. Every player will start from [Guest] and promoted to the next level with admin's approval, when after completing prerequisites
Default Rank[]
[初級] (Guest)[]
- /menu (Opens the menu.)
- /spawn (Teleports you to the spawn.)
- /sethome & /home (Build a home & Teleport to your homes.)
- /tpa [send teleport request] (Send teleport request to someone.)
- /tpaccept & /tpdeny (Accept teleport request & deny teleport request)
- /money (Shows how much money you have at the moment.)
- /craft (Opens crafting GUI.)
- /trash (Opens trashbox GUI.)
- /afk (Changes the mode to AFK mode.)
[中級] (Beginner)[]
Prerequisite: 10 sociallikes and/or approval by admin
- /heads (Get heads, which is used for decorating builds.)
- /back (Go back to where you were standing last time.)
- /nick (Changes your nickname.)
- /hat (Put your item in hand on the head.)
[上級] (Apprentice)[]
Prerequisite: "Advanced" building technique (in other words, approval by admin)
- /fly (Makes you fly like creative mode.)
- /cshop (Builds/Remves a chestshop.)
Advanced Builder[]
[建築士] (Architect)[]
Prerequisite: "Extremely advanced" building technique and approval from the admin
- /gm 3 (spectator mode)
- /tp (Teleports to someone or coordinate.)
- /tomap [url] (Get an image on a map.)
- /weather & /time set (Changes the weather/time)
[匠] (Takumi)[]
Prerequisite: "Professional" building and approval from at least 2 admins
- World Edit
- /gm 1 (creative mode)
[青匠] ("Blue" Takumi)[]
Prerequisite: Outstanding building technique even within masters and approval from at least 2 admins
No new commands. All of the commands has been unlocked with "Takumi" rank.